a constituent college of Union Biblical Seminary,

'They left their nets and followed him.' (Matthew 4:20)
About Us
We are an online theological college and a constituent college of Union Biblical Seminary (UBS), Pune.
Theology Programmes
(UBS Awarded)
These full-time, online programmes bring a great learning experience straight to your home. With twelve hours of live class a week (forty-two weeks a year), you will have the opportunity to learn in-depth and engage with faculty and other students. These courses have been carefully designed for online learning to ensure that you have the best possible learning experience without needing to leave your own home.
Certificate of Theology
(Spiritual Development)
Diploma of Theology
(Ministry Skill Development)
Bachelor of Theology
(Preaching Skill Development)
Supportive Counselling Programme
(ICL Awarded)
The Certificate of Supportive Counselling is a five-week training programme provided by ICL, a Europe-based counselling institute. Rooted in a biblical view of people and the world-famous Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler, this is a very practical programme that involves practicing the use of counselling tools from the first day.
Certificate of Supportive Counselling
Special Focus Programmes
(ESJTC Awarded)
Certificate of Preaching
Certificate of English Language
(for theological students)
The Certificate of Preaching is a nine-credit equivalent programme with approximately one hundred and twenty live class hours, delivered over one year. This gives an intensive and practical training in the design and delivery of sermons that will change lives with the help of God’s Spirit.
The Certificate of English Language is a nine-credit equivalent programme with approximately one hundred and twenty live class hours, delivered over one year. This builds the English vocabulary of any theological student for whom English is a second language and helps them make the most of their studies, rather than just surviving.
Whether you study for one-year, two years, or three years, the residential programmes offer you the opportunity to learn and reflect in depth with classes all morning (Monday to Saturday) and then the time and space during the evenings to build upon and consolidate that learning. You will be taking courses that have been carefully designed to bring growth to your whole person: to your mind, to your heart, and to your spirit. You will be part of a worshiping community, drawing near to God in worship twice every day.
Certificate of Theology
One-Year Programme
Diploma of Theology
Two-Year Programme
Certificate in Counselling
Bachelor of Theology
Three-Year Programme