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Certificate in Counselling -
Residential  or Online 


The Certificate in Counselling (English and Hindi medium) is an intensive five weeks of classes spread over fifteen months. You will be trained in the foundations of the ICL system of counseling and grow in your knowledge of yourself. There will be plenty of opportunity to practice in class what you are learning, and you will receive five personal counselling sessions from an ICL-trained counsellor.


ICL is a well-known European counselling institute that has trained thousands of practicing counsellors in Europe. This certificate course is the first step in their complete training system. This can be taken in residential mode by coming to the college and staying for each of the five weeks or online for those who are unable to be physically present at the college.

Who This Is For
This is for anyone who wants to minister more effectively to people in a one-to-one setting:
  • pastors and church workers;

  • any church member who wants to encourage/build others up.

Admission Requirements
  • Class XII pass
  • Read/write/speak fluently in Hindi or English

  • Completed application form together with submission of all required documents

  • Payment of tuition fee

Fee Structure

The total fee for the programme is Rs. 15000. This includes the cost of all tuition, course materials, mess/ accommodation costs at the college. The fee is the same whether taken residentially or online.

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