a constituent college of Union Biblical Seminary,

'They left their nets and followed him.' (Matthew 4:20)
Diploma of Theology - Residential
The Diploma of Theology (English medium) is a two-year residential programme with a particular focus in the second year on building ministry skills:
Year 1: Spiritual growth. This year involves some very important teaching, and you will have some of the most significant learning experiences of your life. The first-year courses have been built to ensure that you will experience real character and spiritual development.
Year 2: Ministry-skill development. This year is focused on building your ministry skills – leading worship and prayer times, leading small groups, pastoral care and visitation, children’s and youth ministry, evangelism. Substantial parts of this year will be spent in a church-based setting under the mentorship and training of UBS alumni who are active ministers of the gospel.
Who This Is For
This is for anyone who wants to experience the transforming power of the gospel and intends to be actively involved in ministry within the church on a part-time basis as a:
small-group leader,
prayer-ministry leader,
children and youth ministry leader,
worship leader, or
pastoral assistant.
Admission Requirements
Class XII pass or Class X pass with ministry or professional experience
High-intermediate level of English
Completed application form together with submission of all required documents
Pass mark in our Bible knowledge exam and English exam
Payment of tuition and mess fee